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Sukanya And Sridharan Rajagopalan Divorce Pics
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Sukanya And Sridharan Rajagopalan Divorce Pics
Tamil actor Sukanya, involved in a bitter divorce case, got some help from the Supreme Court.Her estranged husband, a software engineer from New Jersey, has challenged her appeal for a divorce, arguing that because they got married in America, it's US law and not Hindu Marriage Law that should apply to their case.Sukanya married R Sridhar at the Balaji temple in New Jersey in April 2002. She returned to India in January 2003 and has not been back to New Jersey since. After their relationship soured, Sukanya had filed a divorce suit on March 3, 2004.According to the petition, Sridhar is an American citizen, the marriage was performed in the US and registered with the marriage officer under the Foreign Marriage Act and hence it will only apply in the US.
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Tamil actor Sukanya, involved in a bitter divorce case, got some help from the Supreme Court.Her estranged husband, a software engineer from New Jersey, has challenged her appeal for a divorce, arguing that because they got married in America, it's US law and not Hindu Marriage Law that should apply to their case.Sukanya married R Sridhar at the Balaji temple in New Jersey in April 2002. She returned to India in January 2003 and has not been back to New Jersey since. After their relationship soured, Sukanya had filed a divorce suit on March 3, 2004.According to the petition, Sridhar is an American citizen, the marriage was performed in the US and registered with the marriage officer under the Foreign Marriage Act and hence it will only apply in the US. Sukanya And Sridharan Rajagopalan Divorce Pics
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