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6 Quick And Brilliant Tricks For Brides To Lose Weight
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6 Quick And Brilliant Tricks For Brides To Lose Weight
Burning fat and losing weight does not happen overnight. But, with these smart tricks you can hope to lose weight a little faster. So, all you soon-to-be-brides, start following these from today itself and you will definitely lose a few inches, before your wedding day.
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1.Pop vitamin D: You might be surprised, but yes, even popping vitamin D can help you to shed weight. Get your vitamin D levels checked and if you are deficient, start having your vitamin D daily. Too little vitamin D in the blood may interfere with the functioning of leptin, a hormone that signals to your brain that you are full, and need to stop eating. Replenishing vitamin D helps restore leptin's normal functioning. 2. Eat vitamin C-rich foods: Eat grapes, kiwis, oranges, tomatoes, or any other fruits and vegetables that are a rich source of vitamin C. These foods burn body fat into fuel, leading to weight loss. 3. Eat whole grains : Instead of eating refined foods like white bread and rice, opt for brown rice, chapati, brown bread, oats, muesli or any other whole grain to burn fat. These grains make you feel full in fewer calories, so you tend to consume less food. 4. Add iron-rich foods to your diet : Iron is important for weight loss as your body needs iron to produce red blood cells, which are required to oxygenate and burn fat and calories. Eat at least three to four servings of foods rich in iron, such as chicken, beans, fortified cereal, soy nuts, shell fish, eggs, spinach, etc., if you do not want a sluggish metabolism. 5. Chew your food at least 40 times : If you are a quick eater and chew your food just a few times before swallowing it, then it is time to change this habit. This way you end up consuming more food, without even realising it. Instead, slow down and chew your food at least 40 times, before swallowing it. Even research has proved that the more you will chew, the more your body will produce hunger supressing peptide hormones. As a result, you will feel full soon and will not overeat.
6. Do not sit for long : Sitting or even lying down for a long time can make you fat. Just sitting idle exerts pressure on your fat cells, causing them to stretch and generate even more fat. So, no matter where you are or how busy you are, make it a point to get moving, for at least five to ten minutes, after every hour. Even when you are watching TV or talking on the phone, stretch, jump, jog around the place or pace back and forth to keep your fat cells slim. Burning fat and losing weight does not happen overnight. But, with these smart tricks you can hope to lose weight a little faster. So, all you soon-to-be-brides, start following these from today itself and you will definitely lose a few inches, before your wedding day.
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